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Failure of the Public Trust |
If you want to know more about the word suicided, just look up "The Clinton Body Count" on YouTube. However, this goes much, much further and deeper than the Clintons. In fact, it is rife throughout Governments, corporations, Police, Military and many more organizations and establishments.
Perfect, convenient accidents, apparent suicides, heart attacks, shootings, plane crashes, you name it. These are all methods that the people who are above the law and operate with near impunity use in order to take out anyone who may have seen too much, or have damning information that might incriminate certain individuals.
Patrick Knowlton
So, who is Patrick Knowlton, and why is he linked to the death of Vince Foster. Patrick Knowlton is a classic case of wrong place wrong time. Driving from work but stuck in traffic, Patrick Knowlton went to relieve himself (urinate) at approximately 4:30pm in Fort Marcy Park on July 20th, 1993. As a result, he saw the cars that were parked in the parking area. Vince Foster's car should have been one of the cars parked in the lot, as the official story was that he drove himself in his own car to Fort Marcy Park.
The first car Patrick saw when he pulled into the parking lot was a brown coloured, square backed Honda with an Arkansas Licence plate. There was also a blue car parked in the lot.
Upon getting out of this car to urinate Patrick noticed a shady individual who was staring at him, leaning on the car. Patrick went and relieved himself, but little did he know, that at the exact same time he was doing so, Vince Foster was lying dead to the right.
When Patrick got home he was watching the news, and it reported that Vince Foster had been found dead in Fort Marcy Park. Wow, he thought. I was there. Being a man of good morals and wanting to help, Patrick reported his version of events to the Police.
Around 9 months later Patrick was interviewed by FBI agents.
As part of their investigation, the FBI showed Patrick images of Vince Foster's car and asked if he saw this car in the lot when he was there, but Patrick Knowlton stated that Vince Foster's car was not in the parking lot at the stated time. Vince Foster's car was silver, and there was only two other cars in the lot at the time in which Patrick Knowlton was there. One was brown, the other was blue.
In order to fit the official story, that Vince Foster's car was in the parking lot at the time of his death, the FBI tried in vain to convince Patrick that out of the two cars he saw in the parking lot, one of them could have been Vince Foster's Silver Honda. But Patrick disagreed. He knew what he saw, and it was not a silver Honda.
Not deterred by a man committed to telling the truth, the FBI then went on to change and falsify Patrick Knowlton's FBI interview reports, so they matched their version of the "official" story.
After this, an article was published by the London Telegraph newspaper stating that the interview reports were false. This led to a subpoena being issued for Patrick Knowlton.
Since then, as well as massive character defamation by prosecutors, Patrick has been on the receiving end of harassment and intimidation by people suspected to be FBI / Government hired Goons that had him living in fear for years, always having to look over his shoulder.
He is basically at a loose end because he would not lie and go along with the official story. Ask yourself this, if the official version of events are real, why would there be a need to falsify reports, intimidate a witness and try to bury the fact the Patrick Knowlton ever existed.
This case stinks of Government corruption and has cover-up written all over it.
The investigation into the death of Vince Foster should be reopened, with all the evidence that was left out and covered up from the official investigation being presented. And let me tell you, there is a lot. Problem is, the corruption runs so deep, that even if the case was reopened, I doubt anyone would be held accountable. Or, better still, prosecuted.
I don't know what Patrick Knowlton is doing these days, but I believe he is still alive. I really wish him well. A stand up guy who tried to do the right thing, and what got in return was a dose of how corrupt this world is. I wonder if he would do the same again. With all the hassle he has endured, sadly, but understandably, I doubt it.
Some websites online that claim there is no cover up in Vince Foster's death, and he really did commit suicide, conveniently leave out the fact that there ever was a man named Patrick Knowlton. The article over on vox.com is one such example. It fails to mention any factual information and evidence that questions the official cover-up story. And the Wikipedia article is just as bad, labelling damning evidence as conspiracy theories!
Just remember, anyone can edit Wikipedia. Snopes and Politifact are also full of disinformation. I mean, they still push the "official" fairy tale of 9/11 as truth. Anyone who still believes the official story of what happened on 9/11 belongs to a very special group of individuals. Those being, the most brainwashed, dumbed down people on the planet. And lastly, do you know who owns / funds Vox. I rest my case.
There is a book about this cover-up, called Failure of the Public Trust (pictured above). It's basically a court document which was unlocked by the Special Division of the United States Court of Appeals. This 511-page book proves beyond any doubt that there was a cover-up by the FBI and OIC (Office of Independent Counsel) in the death of Deputy White House Counsel Vincent Walker Foster Jr. May he rest in peace. Patrick has written another book that I'm aware of, although it's a memoir and nothing to do with the Vince Foster case. It's called: As If It Never Happened: Stories of a young boy's secrets, fears, love, and loss.
Further reading on this case:
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