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The Dreaming Time: Anatomy of a Cover-Up |
I only found it myself recently, but wanted to share because I feel this case needs to be more well known. If you type "John Van Meter case" into Google, you will be met with close to zero results relating to the case itself. There's about 4 websites / news outlets that reported on this case, which basically means none of the national mainstream media news outlets reported anything.
Anyway, enough about that. Here are the basic details of what apparently happened. John "Homer" Van Meter, a self employed logger from Wisconsin, was driving back from a conference in Sonoma County California (in fall 2004) and happened to notice a convoy of cars driving into the woods. He went to investigate and saw something very disturbing taking place.
Van Meter confronted a group of people in the wooded area that were performing some kind of sick satanic ritual on a kidnapped women. He successfully saved the women from her terrible ordeal but was shot several times in the process. Shooting back at his attackers, he apparently shot and killed a number of them, and wounded a few others. When he reported the incident to the Police it went nowhere, and ultimately ended with HIM being charged for filing a false Police report. How do they explain the gunshots Van Meter received? They said he shot himself.
Around 1 and a half years later, Van Meter claims some of the men he wounded in the 2004 incident found out his identity and came back for revenge. A shoot-out ensued, and while John managed to shoot some of his attackers, he himself was shot 5 times. Where this incident took place is a very rural area, so he was lucky to be saved by someone who just happened to be driving by. Again, John "Homer" Van Meter reported this incident to the Police, and yet again, they came to the same conclusion as they did with the first incident. That he had shot himself.
Video: Human Sacrifice Gone Wrong. The late Ted Gunderson (Former FBI agent - Death linked to possible arsenic poisoning) discusses details about the case. Please note: Before you press play. Some parts of this story are quite graphic and will be disturbing to some people to listen to. It's nothing too bad, but just though I'd give you a warning beforehand in case you're sensitive to such things.
Even though it was proven that he was shot with several different guns / bullets, and his car was turned into Swiss Cheese. John went to trial and the courts came to the conclusion that Van Meter made the whole story up and he was sentenced to a short jail term of 14 days. Add to that a two thousand five hundred dollar fine, and a years probation.
Too scared to give evidence in person, the women whom John saved in the first incident apparently wrote a letter for the court (which is read out by Ted Gunderson in the video above), that explained her ordeal, and John's involvement in saving her from her Satanic kidnappers. But the letter was never officially used in the trial. After doing some research, I think that John Van Meter either has one of the wildest imaginations ever, and loves shooting himself for attention, or he is telling the truth and the powers that shouldn't be did a great job in covering everything up and making him look like a crazy fantasist. He's crazy, nothing to see here folks. Where have we heard that one before..
Too scared to give evidence in person, the women whom John saved in the first incident apparently wrote a letter for the court (which is read out by Ted Gunderson in the video above), that explained her ordeal, and John's involvement in saving her from her Satanic kidnappers. But the letter was never officially used in the trial. After doing some research, I think that John Van Meter either has one of the wildest imaginations ever, and loves shooting himself for attention, or he is telling the truth and the powers that shouldn't be did a great job in covering everything up and making him look like a crazy fantasist. He's crazy, nothing to see here folks. Where have we heard that one before..
In my opinion there's definitely some kind of cover up at play in this strange case. If you watch the video above, Ted Gunderson claims that Van Meter told him that one of the men who he shot in the first incident, where he rescued the women from almost certain death, told him that they have the Police and FBI "In our hip pocket here, if you kill me you'll live in a 10 x 10 cell for the rest of your life". Could satanic ritual abuse (devil worshippers) actually be a much bigger problem than most people are aware of? Are there individuals and organisations involved that have the power and influence to manipulate law enforcement, courts and get the media to print what best suits their agenda, such as to keep the truth in the dark. There very well could be.
This is a scary but very interesting case. John wrote a book about his ordeal called: Amazon US link - The Dreaming Time: Anatomy of a Cover-Up (pictured above) (UK link to the book) (Canada). The woman who John saved is now in hiding. If this is in fact all true, she was extremely lucky to survive. It makes you wonder how many didn't live to tell the tale. Do you know how many people, including children, go missing every year in just the USA alone. It's well over half a million a year. Makes you wonder what percentage of those "missing" people may have suffered the same fate as the woman in this story was no doubt destined to meet if she wasn't saved.
Good write up. Homer story is a bit out there, it's not hard to see why some would dismiss him as a kook. My own opinion, I believe him 100%.
Friends in high places gives them such an advantage with being able to hide and bury evidence. Sad world we live in.
This is a true story. I was saved from being a human sacrifice in Hollywood, California in 1991. And only Almighty God can save someone from this Serpent Seed. Time to believe and face reality people.
Those people ARE the friends in high places. We voted some of them into those places.
Those people ARE the friends in high places. We voted some of them into those places.
What courts? What police depts? What judges? If they were all in on this, something needs to be done about them.
Who wears the pants in the this circus. Its embarrising to all on many different levels. It warms the heart that the sacrificer becomes the sacrificed. I think most people like the thought of vigilante justice. Keep it under your hat however. Mise well dream big and have some hero's backed by a Rothchild with a heart of gold. And a time machine
Wtf... The Kardashians got nothin on this guy. How the hell does that no hit the news everywhere? It dont matter who tells the story its interesting all the way around.
All is coming out slowly , very sick world out there , God will provide .
"One day a real rain will come.."
My dad is a friend of his and has spoken to him
Circus side show this what we pay taxes for . Fired all of them. Out n out public shaming of the police involved. And the judge aswell.
Everybody knows you dont shoot yourself any more then 3 times for attention. Never 5....
To whom it may concern,
When you read this know I believed every word.
I wish the woman who survived - all the best and to her brother a huge hug.
If Ted Gunderson has family, I hope justice is served in his death.
To John Homer Van Meter's family, I can only hope those who tried to gun him down die a horrible death and that these cults are exposed.
If Jeffrey Epstein was involved, know he's dead and his girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell is in jail.
sorry but Jeffrey Epstein is NOT DEAD. He was intubated as his body was rolled out of the prison. Dead people are NEVER intubated. NEVER. Intubation is done to ensure a person can keep breathing. He was alive and I bet still working for the Jewish Mafia on one of those islands.
---- Actual evidence with one from a Syrian Synagogue dated to ~2,000 which, coincidentally, is the same age as the reported dating on the scrolls!
>>Who are the "People of the Serpent"?<<
https://TinyURL.com/LuciferianTorahs <-- Don't miss #6!
(Hairy Demons, Succubus and Serpents, oh my!)
"Epstein is not dead"
I KNOW; he and Elvis put together a new band for parties on those islands! Their latest hit is, "You ain't nothing, but a Horn Dog"
Having had dealt with corrupt Sonoma county Sheriff and DA around the same time period and around child sex abuse, I believe this man’s story. What I have a hard time believing is that the “Nazis” and “Druids” had anything to do with it especially since from what I can see they were the ones fighting this disgusting evil and they lost that’s why we are living in upside down world now. It almost felt like they were thrown into the story to appease the readers or controllers. Anyone that studies ww2 and blocks out the corrupt government propaganda knows what I’m saying. How can you say the entire government is corrupt and then you just believe what they tell you? I don’t understand that they killed millions of people, they killed them to get us to this world were in today. The people that were fighting the evil, they lost the war, and this is the result. The Druids they were taken over, they were destroyed and pretty much eliminated. both of those groups were destroyed by the same little hat club. It’s not hard to see, you just have to stop believing the corrupt government. They have lied to you about everything I believe that this man had other lives, but I have a hard time believing that he has met up with his friends from the other lives, and they were able to break through and retain the memories. But I will look for his book 4900 nights because it is intriguing to me. My thoughts after reading this book is how frustrating it is that we’ve been lied to so much and people continue to believe the liars. I was very happy that he talked a lot about the fake shootings that are used to pass our antic laws, he talked about so many things in this book. It was really good. I don’t think it was written all that well, but the content was good. Maybe next time they won’t throw in the bogeyman
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