Friday, 19 July 2013

Karate-Do Kyohan Book Gichin Funakoshi

This book is excellent in each and every attribute. To start off, the structure is very good, premium material has been used to make the book alongside exceptionally high quality pictures. And, the text by Gichin Funakoshi is very satisfying and enjoyable to study. If you don't know, Gichin Funakoshi is considered the father of modern Karate. He was the man that introduced it to Japan!

Karate-Do Kyohan: The Master Text (UK Link to the book) is like a key into the mystical world of the true Karate from Okinawa  by a master that was taught by the Okinawan Karate masters from days gone by. This is from the root source. The 19 katas in this book are presented using good techniques and a lot of detail (words and images). Ensure you buy this book if you are serious about Shotokan Karate-Do.

For those who don't know about Gichin Funakoshi and want to know more here is a collection of pictures with dates that have been compiled together showing some insight into the journey of his life.

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